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Vedic Management Center Blog
The Vedic Management Center is founded with the primary goal of promoting the timeless Vedic knowledge at a practical level. Its teachings are contemporary oriented, internet based and easily accessible worldwide. Vedic Management, better understood as Vedic approach to Management, is not the subject of any specific Vedic text, but reflects values, principles, attitudes and practices that are part of Vedic philosophy, Vedic sciences like Yoga & Ayurveda, and a Vedic way of life. Vedic Management as a topic is studied, understood and taught at the Vedic Management Center as a discipline for students and practitioners of management today. We use the timeless, universal and deeply insightful principles and teachings of various Vedic texts, including but not limited to the Vedas, Bhagavad-Gita, Upanishads, Neeti Shastras and Artha Shastras in a way designed to bring measurable and positive benefits to individuals as well as institutions. We hold that institutions are made for betterment of individuals, not that individuals exist for the benefit of institutions. We hold that every individual is a custodian of this planet and its resources, with the responsibility to preserve, protect and sustain every creature and ensure the sustenance of the planet as a whole. Our teaching and recommendations are formed to inspire and equip aspirants for this noble task. We strongly believe that this high goal can be achieved by adhering to six fundamental Vedic doctrines, namely 1. Lokasangraha (Human Welfare), 2. Shubhlaabh (Profit through ethical means), 3. Nishkaama Karma (Action without greed), 4. Vasudha-Eva-Kutumbakam (regarding the entire world as one family) 5. Ati-hyaastha-varjayet (Avoidance of any extreme) and 6. Samarpan Bhaav (Devoted Commitment).

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Vedic Management Center
