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Website Design & Development Company Blog
Jason Hunter Design was created in 2000 while I was a Junior at Mason-Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University. I had a graphic design assignment and was totally dry on ideas so that night I took a trip to the local Barnes & Noble to go through their collection of design books in search of inspiration. As fate would have it, someone had left The Dummies Guide to Creating a Web Page in that section. I spent the entire night writing down codes in my sketch book (cheaper than buying the book). When they kicked me out at 11pm, I went home, fired up my computer and before 2am had created my first web page. It didn’t serve much purpose just sitting on my computer though. Before dawn I had purchased web space on a server and published my one page website. A few versions later I started letting friends and family know where they could find my work. I used it as an online portfolio of sorts so my family could see that I was spending their hard earned money well.

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Website Design & Development Company
