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Apteachers9 Blog
“apteachers 9” is a team of data collectors from various departments, we will analyses the benefits of schemes on public also criticism them from all the angles their advantages and disadvantages. Our Education Fest team is a initiative of professional writers who have come together for dedicated news coverage of latest happenings around the country (India). Our team comprises of professional writers & citizen journalists with diverse range of interest in Journalism who are passionate about publishing the Education Updates and all departments with transparency in general public interest. Our reporting team intends to publish the Education & Recruitment Update for all age groups and present the true picture of the recent events with the inside coverage. Our objective would be to cater the requirements of people of all age groups as we intend to publish news classified into General, Political, Crime, Sports, Entertainment, Application Use, Employment, Education and World News. Our team collects all information related to above fields also how to use official sites and various departments’ circulars and various updates.