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What Makes A Comfortable Sneaker? Blog
Since they first hit the shelves in the 1890s, the popularity and variety of sneakers has increased dramatically. Originally marketed solely as a sports shoe, they were very expensive and only the richest people could afford to have shoes just to play sport in. With advances in technology and technique, alongside the invention of the production line, the cost of production fell, and mass production became not just a possibility but a reality. This helped to bring sneakers off the field and into the fashion world. By the late 1970s, the sneaker as we know and love it today was being shaped, and its place as a fashion staple was cemented. Today, the sneaker is the king of shoes. An industry all by themselves, it’s fair to say there is a pair of sneakers for every occasion, as they are now found everywhere from the court and the club to the catwalk. Whatever the reason for your sneakers, though, the one thing that everyone wants from their sneakers is comfort, but who makes the best comfortable designer sneaker? Which Sneaker Brand is the Most Comfortable? For some it is about the shape. If you have wider feet, then sneakers that accommodate that with wider fits will be better for your you. Gucci sneakers are naturally slightly wider than many, and are made with high quality, soft leathers for extra comfort. If your feet are prone to swelling, soft, padded interiors that won’t increase the pressure too much, like many of the Chanel sneakers, will be a more suitable choice. Louis Vuitton also have a great reputation for comfort, and their understated opulence makes every pair a classic. Less structured sneakers can also help with feet that feel the pressure when standing. Balenciaga’s oversized style sneakers, with their padded soles and interiors, are great for this, and are roomy enough to accommodate other foot-related imperfections, too. If you’re still struggling to find the perfect sneakers for your feet, the Dior range is so extensive and diverse they are bound to have something the right size and shape for you. Whether you want a heeled sneaker to give you a sporty edge on a night out or sneaker you last the day in, the sheer amount of Dior sneakers available means they are usually a good bet. Ensure Shoes Fit Properly Should you end up with a pair of sneakers that you struggle to walk in, don’t despair - there are a few tricks and products you can use to alleviate the pain. Instead of using unsightly band aids, that may come unstuck and flap around on the back of your couture sneaker, gel insoles for behind the toes and heels can make a world of difference to shoes that rub. If you do have issues with your feet, like corns or dry skin, taking care of them with exfoliation, moisturiser or a trip to a chiropodist will make a huge difference to the pain you feel and help you enjoy your designer sneakers a lot more. Last tip – don’t be afraid to try them first. Walking around soft areas that won’t mark the soles is a great way to see first-hand how well any pair of sneakers fits, and as long as they are unmarked, returning ill-fitting or uncomfortable sneakers should be no problem. Offering a safe space buy and sell designer sneakers, The Luxury Closet has a huge selection of brands, styles and prices to choose from.

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What Makes a Comfortable Sneaker?
