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Best Vastu Expert In Canada (dr. Vikas Nautiyal) Blog
Dr. Vikas Nautiyal is renowned for his expertise in Vastu Shastra and boasts an impressive track record of successful practice over the last decade — making him a top choice when it comes to Scientific Vastu Consultancy services in Surrey, Canada! Understanding that every place on earth has its own unique energy levels as well as climate and topography He provides personalized On-Site & Online advice taking into consideration all these key factors. As Founder Trustee of IRIOS (International Research Instituteof Occult Sciences), you can be assured your property will receive the best treatment according to global standards without any superstition or demolition involved! He has a wealth of knowledge and experience as one of Surrey’s leading consultants — from advising clients on how to improve their homes’ appearance, to offering digital energy scanning systems that take into account many international guidelines such as those set by WHO or GRIHA. His broad scope includes analyzing large scale industries right down to individual schools; he also offers courses offline and online so people can learn more about this ancient discipline. With numerous awards under his belt and having provided consultancy services across the world, it’s no wonder he stands alone at the top when searching for a professional Vastu Consultant: Dr. Vikas Nautiyal certainly won’t disappoint!

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Best Vastu Expert in Canada (Dr. Vikas Nautiyal)
