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The german Blog is a rich and informative resource for gardening enthusiasts of all levels. This blog is a treasure trove of knowledge, covering a wide array of topics that cater to both novice and experienced gardeners. From practical advice on soil preparation for lawn seeding to tips on growing fresh spinach in your garden, the blog offers a wealth of information. Each post is thoughtfully crafted, providing detailed insights into various aspects of gardening. Topics range from the application of green manure to enhance soil vitality, to the division of daffodils for better growth. The blog also delves into creative gardening techniques like the Lasagna method for layering flower bulbs, ensuring a prolonged blooming period. In addition to practical gardening tips, the blog educates readers on different plant families, such as the diverse and fascinating world of Asteraceae (daisy family) and the importance of Rosaceae (rose family) in our gardens and orchards. It also addresses the challenges of gardening, like managing gardens during dry spells and understanding the nuances of fertilizing vegetables for optimal growth. Overall, the Blog is an essential read for anyone looking to deepen their gardening knowledge and skills, offering a mix of practical advice, botanical education, and innovative gardening ideas.
Der April macht, was er will! Doch von dem wechselhaften Wetter sollten Sie sich nicht abschrecken lassen. Im Garten wartet eine Menge Arbeit auf Sie. Samen wollen gesät, Jungpflanzen g… Read More
Dahlien – hier gibt es alle Pflegetipps rund um die Gartenschönheiten. Erfahren Sie, worauf es ankommt, damit Ihre Dahlien von Juni bis in den Herbst hinein blühen. Lesen Sie… Read More

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