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Easter Eggs
The Daily Droid · 21:17 31 Mar 2024
Today is Easter, a holiday celebrated by people who believe that Christ died on the cross thousands of years ago and then came back to life three days later, leading them to say, "He is rise… Read More
The Daily Droid · 23:44 29 Mar 2024
Lia Thomas, the infamous swimmer who "changed" into a woman and then entered, and naturally won, many national swimming competitions for women has finally been told the awful truth: She… Read More
Easter Bot Swap
The Plastic Mancunia… · 11:53 29 Mar 2024
Happy Easter and welcome to South Manchester on a cloudy and changeable Good Friday. I’ve seen the sun this morning and we are due a brief thunderstorm in the afternoon but after that… Read More
Nicolas49 · 08:37 27 Mar 2024
Un test de salivă capabil să prezică riscul de cancer mamar şi de prostată, care va costa doar 5 lire sterline (5,9 euro), va fi lansat pe piaţa britanică… Read More