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What Is Access Control List (acl) In Networking? Blog
You may have heard about the Access Control List or ACL. It is used to control permissions to a computer system or network, but do you know what is Access control list? As we know, the Internet is a network of networks, and routers play a vital role in having connectivity between different networks. Routers are used in industries, universities, businesses, corporate offices, schools, colleges, etc., to connect their different branches from different locations. As a router sends traffic from one network to another, sometimes we need to monitor and control this traffic for security purposes. So, we use ACLs, i.e., Access Control List, to control and monitor this traffic. So, let's understand what is Access control list. What is Access Control List? ACLs are rules defined for controlling network traffic to reduce network attacks. Using a set of rules specified for the network's incoming or outgoing traffic, ACLs filter this traffic. Using an ACL is primarily intended to secure your network. Without it, any traffic is allowed to either enter or exit the network. Access control lists are employed on computer networks to forbid or permit particular network traffic. They filter the traffic on the basis of the traffic's origin and destination. In the current times, Network interfaces and operating systems, like Linux and Windows, are also equipped with ACLs. A user or group of users' names make up one or more access control entries (ACEs) that are contained within each ACL. The access privileges are specified for each user, group, or role in a string of bits known as an access mask. The person who creates the access control list for an item is often the system administrator or the object owner. Now that you have a better idea of what is access control list, it is time to understand its purpose. What is the purpose of Access Control List? ACLs or Access control Lists can be used for two purposes, namely: To filter traffic To identify traffic As mentioned above, access lists are a set of rules organized in a rule table. A condition, either permit or deny, is provided by each rule or line in an access list. When an access list is used to filter the traffic - a permit statement is used to "allow" traffic, Whereas, to "block" traffic, a deny statement is used. In a similar way, when identifying traffic with an access list - a permit statement is used to include traffic A deny statement, on the other hand, makes it clear that the traffic should "not" be included.

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What is Access Control List (ACL) in networking?
