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Your Zen Growth Blog
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Personal Development through effective communication and interpersonal skills. The importance of interpersonal skills affects everything we do, so it’s essential that what we say and interpret doesn’t get lost in translation. It’s not only language that affects understanding but also emotional states, concentration and our determination to understand others and express ourselves clearly. Effective listening is the first step to increasing verbal communication skills. Subtle intonations, nonverbal cues and vocal tone can change the meanings of words, which might be straightforward, sarcastic or simply confused. Avoid interrupting others until they’re finished talking, and try repeating what was said in different words to clarify any confusing terms. Effective ways of recapping someone’s words include, “Let me see if I understand” or “What I’m hearing is that…” Don’t repeat the words verbatim but express the concept in different terms to clarify the message.

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Your Zen Growth
