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Mufti Mukarram Says Soil Of India Exudes Love; Hate Campaign Can't Survive Blog
Maulana Mufti Muhammad Mukarram, Shahi Imam of Fatehpur Mosque of Delhi, says the Arab countries are not 'ideal' for us, the Indian Muslims. We are only bound by the teachings of the Prophet of Islam. He said that there can be no compromise in nationalism. Mufti Mukarram spoke about several issues to Mansoorudin Faridi, Editor, Awaz-the Voice, Urdu. Excerpts from the interview: The stereotypical image of Muslims around is portrayed around the world; How can Muslims change this negative image to a progressive one? Today’s Muslims are quite progressive; there is no conservatism. Muslims have shown an inclination to progress at all levels - from education to lifestyle. This is a false image. Just by praying, observing fast, wear traditional clothes, and perform Haj doesn’t one become an ideal Muslim. Muslims have become very modern. In fact these days I keep complaining that Muslims are becoming modern; they are going away from religion while observing others follow fashion trends. Shahi Imam Maulana Mufti Muhammad Mukarram meeting former President APJ Abdul Kalam Of course, some Muslims have gone astray; they have been misled and deceived. They end up maligning Islam, Quran and Muslims. It is wrong to blame someone on the basis of religion for one’s misdeeds. "The Prophet of Islam used to stand and greet people of other religions. He used to seat them. We should also treat people of other religions with love and kindness. We need to be kind. " Is Islam today just a show-off? Are Muslims not following true Islam? Absolutely! You are right. We are vying with each other to show off. Look, hypocrisy and showing off are forbidden in Islam and Sharia. Today everyone wants to earn a name for himself; this is not acceptable in Islam. You marry with simplicity in a mosque; it is forbidden to spend lakhs of rupees for a wedding ceremony. This is hypocrisy and religion has always said no to such things. Why Muslims around the world don’t like to live in harmony with people of other religions? That creates an atmosphere of confrontation? France, Germany and many other countries are examples of this. See, I cannot say anything about it, because I have not been to these countries. So I have no experience. What are the special qualities are of the Indian Muslims? Indian Muslims are special. We know the art of adaptation and making adjustments. We all know how to live together on this land. See, there is a large population of non-Muslims who live around the Fatehpuri Mosque. Each Friday more than people pray there; to date, no untoward incident has happened there. Local non-Muslim people take water from the mosque. They take the same route. They also come to the mosque; we are all children of Adam; we are all human; have the same blood in our bodies. Muslims who ruled India once upon a time were not discriminated against; no non-Muslim was ever harmed in that era. When the British ruled India, no one can point out a single Muslim who betrayed his country. After independence, every Muslim has served the country right from Abul Kalam Azad to APJ Abdul Kalam. There can be no compromise on nationalism. We fought together for independence; stayed together in the development of the country and never took the wrong path. When terrorism came to Kashmir, not a single Indian Muslim was part of the terror gangs. Former Prime Minister I K Gujral once pointed this out and admitted that he was surprised. This has, and shall, never happen! Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his speech called Aligarh Muslim University "Mini India". What will you say? This was Fabulous! This is reality; this is our civilization. His statement is proof that there are no secret things happening inside Aligarh Muslim University, Jamia Millia Islamia, and Jamia Hamdard as also in other institutions. How can there be a balance between religion and the world? There is a lot of emphasis on this in Islam. If prayer is the rule, then business and employment are also emphasized. It’s a rule that one must work hard to get a job. If you spend one hour in five daily prayers, the rest of the 23 hours are meant for worldly affairs like working and pursuing one’s education. It is very important and necessary to balance the two. This was valid even in the time of the Prophet of Islam. Balance and moderation were very important. Balance is the only thing that always works. Like taking rest in moderation. In normal life, Muslims should observe hygiene. It is very sad to see people in dirty clothes and dirty neighbourhoods. We should pay attention to what impressions others will carry about Muslims. Islam asks its followers to wear nice and clean clothes, eat good food and be a good person. Let me tell you that Islam religion has no conflict with any fashion. Shahi Imam Maulana Mufti Muhammad Mukarram while interacting with school children What is the message for Muslims about education? A very good question! The importance of education can be understood from an incident related to the Prophet of Islam. Prisoners of war who were not in a position to pay ransom for their release were given the responsibility of teaching 10 Muslim children. This is an example of how important education was; you could even get it from the enemy. You must educate your children. The Prophet of Islam has said: If a person does not have much money, he should not donate but should spend it on education. He will get the same reward as one gets by a charity. Nowadays everyone is spending on frivolous things; Muslims must focus on the education and training of children. Ideally one should go with one’s religion and also the world. However, these days many have given up their identity. Why is it easy to provoke Muslims on any topic or debate? Patience is part of Islamic teachings. It is necessary. No one should be a victim of provocation. Getting trapped in such conspiracies should be avoided. Speak the truth, but speak with restraint. We have always seen brotherhood in Delhi; the atmosphere changed a lot in the last two years. Why did this happen? It is all thanks to the media. Don’t we know this? This is the locomotive of life, it runs on two wheels. Take a look at the Chavadi market in Delhi. A Muslim is working in a Hindu shop, while a Hindu is working in a Muslim factory. Everyone is working for and with each other. These hate waves are temporary; their effect does not last long. People know what happened and why it happened. There is love in the soil of the country. Our country is like a Mughal garden resplendent with colourful flowers. There is unity in diversity. A debate on the usefulness of the corona vaccine is on; what would you like to say? It’s most important to ignore the rumours. What is in the vaccine? It should be noted that if it actually contains haram elements, then there is a need for Muslims to be careful. In case there is no other cure then even that can be used. But we have many alternative remedies, Unani, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, Yoga etc. With these, there is no need to go towards Haram. I am sure that if we start using all herbs and another natural way some other solution will also emerge. The Hindu Mahasabha also raised this issue. So, the government should clear the doubts and disclose its ingredients? Muslims are being nominally represented in Indian politics, Muslim names and faces are disappearing from every political party? Muslims no longer want to fulfil their responsibility or have fallen silent due to some fear. Something is haunting them. The Muslims have no friendship or enmity with any political party. I am not an enemy of any political party or leader. I am honest with all. I pray, but we should not hold back in speaking truthfully and in a good way. Muslims should follow their religion and work for creating an atmosphere of unity in the community in the interest of the country. A temple was attacked in Pakistan. What should be the reaction of Indian Muslims? This is a shameful incident. The Supreme Court of Pakistan has taken action. It is against the basic principles of Islam. Even in the time of the Prophet of Islam, no religion was attacked. This should not happen in Pakistan or anywhere in the world. In Islam, it’s forbidden to even abuse people of other religions. Do Muslims shy away from condemning such incidents? Whenever an unfortunate incident happens, we condemn it. If the Taliban in Afghanistan had broken the statue of Gautam Buddha, we had condemned it. This (saying that Muslims don’t condemn such acts) is politics aimed at discrediting us. We Indian Muslims do not look towards any outside entity. Whatever we may be, we do not ask for outside help. We must not praise any foreign leader; should only praise Indian leaders.

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Mufti Mukarram says soil of India exudes love; hate campaign can't survive
