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Tales From The Top Flight Blog
Tales from the Top Flight started as a weekly football column in Spain’s largest English speaking newspaper on the Costa Blanca, The Costa Blanca People in 2015. Written by Chris Darwen, the weekly column then became a book and then a daily blog. Having spent over a decade with dreary commutes to work, Chris decided that he might be able to help cheer up people every morning, even if for only five minutes. From that decision came the idea of making Tales from the Top Flight a daily read for people, emailed directly to their inboxes in time for their bus or train journey into the office. Even those that drive in receive it in time for their first coffee of the morning. Tales from the Top Flight is not about in-depth football analysis. It will never tell you the difference between an inverted wing back and a regista. It will, hopefully, give you at least one laugh per column – maybe even two if Chris is feeling particularly on form. Sign up below to ensure you receive Tales from the Top Flight directly to your inbox each morning – (guaranteed by 0630*) *not actually guaranteed, but we will do our best!

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Tales from the Top Flight
